The Union County Electrical Contractors Association (UCECA) is a group of people who are actively engaged in the electrical contracting business. Good fellowship and sound business practices are the prime requirements of membership. The principal aim of this association is help provide the continuing education needed for our members to excel in their fields of expertise. We also provide our members the opportunity to build strong business relationships with the individuals they compete and work with.
Some of the many membership advantages are:
— the dissemination of necessary code information as rapidly as it can be procured;
— the promotion of good relations between contractors, inspection authorities, and municipalities;
— providing information regarding new materials, methods, trends, with the assistance of manufacturers and suppliers;
— understanding and having a voice in the process of the legislation of laws that affect us every day on all levels of government, including our licensing board;
— access to business insurance plans; and more.
Our continuing education department holds several NEC code seminars each license cycle, and also additional education seminars to facilitate the 34 hour continuing education (CE) requirements set forth by the Sate of New Jersey, many being held free to members in our regular monthly meetings.
Our monthly dinner meetings, which are held on the fourth Monday of the month (with exception to July & December),are held at Mario’s Tutto Bene, 495 Chestnut Street, Union, NJ 07083 starting at 6:30pm. Dinner is included in your membership.
A special ladies’ night function and a family day are held each year and all members are encouraged to participate. When scheduled, we also have out trips or attend special open houses at various locations, including local supply houses, which are free to members (unless there is a ticket fee for the event).